Are you under investigation or facing prosecution for a sexual offence? Are you a victim of a sexual offence? Sandra Márquez has a wide range of expertise and experience defending individuals against sexual offence allegations, from rape, to sexual assault, to cases involving images and children. With offices based in central Valencia, we are conveniently located to represent clients across Valencia, Castellón and Denia (Alicante) and beyond.
- Threats
- Injuries
- Vexations
- Work mistreatment.
- Domestic violence
- Bullying
Sandra Márquez has been supporting clients facing domestic abuse allegations for years. Whether you are a victim, have been arrested, charged with an offence or are worried that you may be accused and are looking for clear, proactive legal advice and representation, we can help. Sandra Másquez can be beside you every step of the way, providing police station representation, supporting you during a police investigation and representing you in court where required.
- Falsos testimonios.
- Simulaciones de delito.
If you are facing investigation or prosecution for a violent offence, no matter how serious, we understand the stress and worry that these proceedings can bring. Sandra Márquez has extensive experience representing clients charged with the full range of violent offences, from high profile murder cases to minor assaults. We can help with all manner of allegations, including: • Murder • Attempted murder • Manslaughter • Grievous Bodily Harm • Causing death by dangerous or careless driving • Robbery • Kidnapping • Violent disorder • Domestic abuse and others.
- Posesión de drogas.
- La posesión con intención de vender.
- El cultivo de narcóticos.
- El trafico de drogas.
- Fabricación de drogas.
- Distribución de drogas.
From large importations to cases of personal possession, Sandra Márquez has significant experience dealing with allegations relating to drugs. If you are under investigation or have been charged with an allegation relating to illegal drugs, contact her to discuss how we can help you.
Nos encargamos de los cargos penales relacionados con delitos sexuales, incluyendo la violación, el exhibicionismo, prostitución, abuso sexual o agresión sexual.
En Sandra Márquez Abogados le ayudaremos si le imputan alguno de los siguientes delitos:
- Homicidio o asesinato.
- Injuries
- Threats
- Coacciones.
- Detenciones ilegales y secuestros.
- Torturas.
- Violencia Domestica.
Si le acusan de alguno de estos delitos, debe recordar que:
- si le detienen tiene derecho a nombrar un abogado penalista de su elección.
- si es citado a declarar ante la policía o ante el juez tiene derecho a que un abogado de su elección le acompañe y le defienda.
- tiene derecho a no declarar y a no declararse culpable.
Los delitos contra la Seguridad Vial conllevan sanciones que van desde la retirada del carnet de conducir, hasta importantes multas económicas o, incluso, penas de prisión. Por ello, necesita un abogado que le defienda si ha incurrido en alguno de estos delitos:
- Conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol.
- Negarse a realizar las pruebas de detección alcohólica.
- Conducir sin licencia de conducir por retirada o por no haberla obtenido nunca.
- Conducir bajo los efectos de sustancias estupefacientes.
- Conducción de manera temeraria.
- Crime against workers. Crime against migrants. Slander crime. Threats offences. Cybercrime
- Delitos informáticos (phising, hacking, revelación de secretos).
- Delitos contra los derechos de los trabajadores.
- Delitos contra los derechos de los extranjeros.
- Detención ilegal y secuestro.
- Injurias y calumnias.
- Amenazas y coacciones.
- Violencia de género (malos tratos, amenazas, quebrantamiento de condena).
- Impago de pensiones e incumplimiento del régimen de visitas.
- Delitos fiscales o societarios.
Vandalism can be a complex case to deal with, especially as terms such as “damage” are not actually defined by the Courts. It’s important to know what constitutes vandalism and to know the exact implications of your case.
Consúltenos sobre:
- Expedientes de reforma de menores.
- Internamiento en Centro de Menores.
- Libertad vigilada.
- Mediación y conciliación extrajudicial.
- Revisión de medidas impuestas en sentencia.
Robbery is when a theft involves the use of force, and as such covers a wide range of scenarios. Penalties can also be severe, so it’s important that you get the legal advice from a specialist in criminal law to work through the details of your case